Math Summer Packet

Summer 2024 Math Packet Information

For Students Entering Grade 1 - Grade 5


In an effort to maintain the learning growth from this school year, it is highly encouraged for our Ansonia students to complete the attached Greg Tang’s Summer Break Math Challenge

During the break, your student will complete the appropriate Entering Grade level Tangy Tuesday Puzzle Pack and game board linked below. Please note additional game boards are also available on the site and students can move to a harder or easier level of the game to make things more or less challenging. It is fine for the student to get help from you or someone else if they need it.

Students who complete the challenge can earn a certificate and a chance to win a personalized signed copy of one of Greg Tang’s books. The completed packet needs to be handed into your student’s teacher by Friday, August 30, 2024 to be included in the Greg Tang Raffle and our school popsicle party!

Summer 2024 Math Packets for Students Entering Grade 1 - Grade 6

Students Entering Grade 1

Students Entering Grade 2

Students Entering Grade 3

Students Entering Grade 4

Students Entering Grade 5

Students entering Grade 6 can choose which option they would like to complete...
The summer math packet linked below or pass 20 i-ready online assignments.


*The following sites provide free online math tasks. Please review each site and monitor your child’s online sessions. Your child can access these sites by logging onto their Classlink account and then clicking on the program icon..